When I reflect back on my own life I think about it in segments divided by where I lived. I can figure out how old I was when I started riding horses based on when I moved from Connecticut to Tappahannock, Virginia at 11 years old or when I got my first car (a bright red Toyota Celica) when I lived in the white house in Short Pump.
Eileen contacted me about coming to their home to document life in their Goochland country home before they transitioned to a new phase of their lives as a family moving into the city.
We had a relaxed time together just chatting while they gave us a tour of their home. We wandered to a few of their favorite spots. I gave them a few prompts here and there but mostly letting them just be their amazing selves. They showed me where Ryan proposed to Eileen under a beautiful tree by the creek, a favorite flower Eileen had been cultivating for years, a thumbs up tradition they do as a family, the woodpile they stored up for a storm that never came and their long driveway perfect for family walks.

These type of sessions remind of exactly why I was drawn to this profession. It's the ability to record these bitter sweet (more sweet than bitter) knowing that years from now being reminded of them will be all the more precious. Thank you, sweet family, for inviting me into your lives!